2010年9月8日 星期三


有時候, 我們只是單純的想要聯繫一些我們認識的朋友. 就好像我的小學同學, 難得可貴的在一次的活動撞見. 立即聊起小學的荒唐事蹟, 開心的不得了. 馬上跟她要面書聯繫. 如今的她已經是個大美人.

以前的人比較浪漫, 比較懂得什麼是緣分. 現在我們所謂的緣分, 全部都應該加上電腦或手機! 我命名為電子緣分.

我們是否要理智與現實一點? 因為我們不是認識後而了解, 了解後而相知的演變成朋友/情人. 我們忽略了親眼目睹的遇見, 及了解的過程.
我認為遇見的緣分是一定要面對面的, 而不是通過沒有感覺的熒光屏, 這樣的區別真的很大.

我有一位朋友, 他們在一起12年. 我問他們怎麼認識的? 他說他們是在一個朋友聚餐是認識的. 雙方都對彼此有很好的印象. 經過幾個月的了解, 然後拍拖. 就這樣在一起12年.

我個人通過互聯網認識一位朋友, 我們在網上聊天將近有半年, 彼此並沒有見過面. 也沒有特地的邀約見面. 在一次的朋友生日聚會遇見, 至今我們變成好友.

我所舉例的, 都是沒有刻意的安排或相約.

我們都忽視了遇見的驚喜, 遇見的浪漫, 遇見的時那一刻的感覺, 遇見的印象, 遇見在對的時間, 人物, 地點. 這個叫緣分. 而不是在互聯網你找他/她, 你加入他/她然後說: "嗨",  這麼簡單的開始, 然後說這是注定的緣分, 荒謬!

Sometimes we just simply want to contact some of our acquaintances. Just like my primary school classmates, in a rarely activities and I meet her. Immediately chatted about the old school's absurd story.I requested FB account to keep in touch. 

Compared to the previous people romances, they are more understand what is call fate. Fate for people now a days, should all be link and connected together with computer or cell phone! I named E-fate.
Shall we reasonable and more realistic? Because we are not knowledge and awareness of the understanding, understanding and knowing each other after the relationship turn into a friend / lover. We missed witnessed neglected, and understanding of the process.
I think fate is certain should be met up by face to face, rather than through the screen which it no feeling at all , such a huge differences.
Case 1 
I have a friend with someone for 12 years. I asked how they knowing each others? He said they were meet at a friend's dinner. Both sides have a good impression on each other. After several months of understanding, then they're on dates until now.
Case 2 
I know a friend through the Internet, we chat  nearly half a year through online and we never have met. Do not specifically meet the solicitation. At once, we meet each others at a friend's birthday party. Until now, we became best pal.

My example are not deliberately or similar arrangement.
We have neglected meet / and missed the surprise, a romantic encounter, encountered the feeling of that moment, met impression, meet at the right time, right person, at the right place. This is called fate. Rather than on the internet you found him / her, you join He / she and then said: "Hi", such a simple beginning, and then said that it was destined fate, ridiculous!

1 則留言:

Keiron Low 提到...

所以孫燕姿就唱:"我遇見你是最美麗的意外~~~"咯…… 呵呵 XD
但是只要有信念,相信有一天都會遇見真命天子/女的 =)